Java programming is boring. So I made a monster.
Anyone who knows my programming self, knows that I love to make esoteric languages. (Thus the title of this blog.) I got bored of programming in Java for my course, so I decided to make an esolang that compiles to readable Java. It's as of yet unfinished, but I call it "Stoj", or "Short to Java". It's also "Jots" backwards! For example, here is a solution for T1L20, "Seal tracker", which outputs the largest and smallest latitudes and longitudes within the given input. (Of course, this would be made more trivial using a decent (golfing) language and a more lenient input format, but what's the fun in that?1)
180.d@A@C-180.d@B@D t@E W:E{t@F 91'd@@G 181'd@@H W:G 90CR:H 180
CR|{?:F{f@F}#{"Incorrect Latitude or Longitude"P}
"Please enter the latitude:"P Id@H"Please enter the longitude:"P
Id@G}?:G 180Cr{?:G:D>{:G@D}?:G:C<{:G@C}}?:H 90Cr{?:H:B>{:H@B}?:H
:A<{:H@A}}"Would you like to enter another location?"P?Ii0={f@E}
}"Farthest North: ":B+P"Farthest South: ":A+P"Farthest East: ":D
+P"Farthest West: ":C+P
Much better than Java, right?? Here's a more "readable" version:
180 'd @@south
-180 'd @@north
180 'd @@west
-180 'd @@east
t @executing
W :executing {
t @firstTime
91 'd @@longitude
181 'd @@latitude
W :longitude 90 CR :latitude 180 CR | {
? :firstTime {
f @firstTime
} # {
"Incorrect Latitude or Longitude"P
"Please enter the latitude:"P
Id @latitude
"Please enter the longitude:"P
Id @longitude
? :longitude 180 Cr {
? :longitude :east > {
:longitude @east
? :longitude :west < {
:longitude @west
? :latitude 90 Cr {
? :latitude :north > {
:latitude @north
? :latitude :south < {
:latitude @south
"Would you like to enter another location?"P
? Ii 0 = {
f @executing
"Farthest North: " :north + P
"Farthest South: " :south + P
"Farthest East: " :east + P
"Farthest West: " :west + P
I'm currently thinking about making a "JToS" converter, that would translate Java code to Stoj code. This might be a bit difficult, unless I can get my hands on a Java lexer or if I decide to make one on my own.
TODO list
- Create functions.
- Create classes.
- Java's "foreach" construct
- Remove Java (after this year, hopefully)
- Add Java Code Linter
- Add dynamic variable renaming (for shorter programs)
1 ok fine I did a golf in J:
,@|:@:>@(>./;<./)@(#~0=90 180+./@:<"1|)
very lax on IO, but does filter out bad values
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