
Showing posts from September, 2017

Java programming is boring. So I made a monster.

Anyone who knows my programming self, knows that I love to make esoteric languages. (Thus the title of this blog.) I got bored of programming in Java for my course, so I decided to make an esolang that compiles to readable Java. It's as of yet unfinished, but I call it "Stoj", or "Short to Java". It's also "Jots" backwards! For example, here is a solution for T1L20, "Seal tracker", which outputs the largest and smallest latitudes and longitudes within the given input. (Of course, this would be made more trivial using a decent (golfing) language and a more lenient input format, but what's the fun in that? 1 ) Lesson_20_Activity 180.d@A@C-180.d@B@D t@E W:E{t@F 91'd@@G 181'd@@H W:G 90CR:H 180 CR|{?:F{f@F}#{"Incorrect Latitude or Longitude"P} "Please enter the latitude:"P Id@H"Please enter the longitude:"P Id@G}?:G 180Cr{?:G:D>{:G@D}?:G:C<{:G@C}}?:H 90Cr{?:H:B>{:H@B}?:H :A<{:H@A}}"

Special moments in an AP Computer Science course

(Ignore the underline.) The last two answers are valid. A wonderful shot in the dark. duz prnt code 15.5555 dubl strng? (All dialogues are more or less quoted directly, as memory serves me.) Person: *looking at my code* Why did you use " scan " as the variable name? I use one-letter variable names, like " a ". Me: *thinking* people like you are the reason we use jquery for addition Me: It's more readable that way... Friend: Yo can you help me, my code isn't getting the right month. Me: Sure. *turns to his code* Me: W... why on earth did you use single-letter variable names?? Person: That's how I roll. Me: *squints at code* Um, ask someone else, maybe? Person: Gotcha. Person A: *to person B* So you use new to create a pointer, like in C++ or C. Me: Java doesn't have pointers. Person A: Of course it does. Me: Not really, no... Person A: The new keyword in C++ makes a pointer, it's just like that— Me: We could look at Ja - the past, quality, and now

Disclaimer: this post may ramble. I may make a part two, depending on what I get to cover. is a curious site. It resides on the Stack Exchange platform, which traditionally contains Question and Answer sites. However, out of the subculture of code golf found on the early days of Stack Overflow, came—the somewhat misnamed "Programming Puzzles and Code Golf". This site has evolved and formalized over the years, and its appeal for some has changed. Constituents of this site include programmers by profession and by hobby, and even non-programmers who like the challenge of programming in esolangs. I am included in this number, and have for years enjoyed this platform. It is necessary at this point for me to describe my relation with this site and how I feel about it. In order to do this, I will describe some relevant background information. What was, and what it is now, at its incarnation, was devoted primarily to code golf and to programming p