Java programming is boring. So I made a monster.
Anyone who knows my programming self, knows that I love to make esoteric languages. (Thus the title of this blog.) I got bored of programming in Java for my course, so I decided to make an esolang that compiles to readable Java. It's as of yet unfinished, but I call it "Stoj", or "Short to Java". It's also "Jots" backwards! For example, here is a solution for T1L20, "Seal tracker", which outputs the largest and smallest latitudes and longitudes within the given input. (Of course, this would be made more trivial using a decent (golfing) language and a more lenient input format, but what's the fun in that? 1 ) Lesson_20_Activity 180.d@A@C-180.d@B@D t@E W:E{t@F 91'd@@G 181'd@@H W:G 90CR:H 180 CR|{?:F{f@F}#{"Incorrect Latitude or Longitude"P} "Please enter the latitude:"P Id@H"Please enter the longitude:"P Id@G}?:G 180Cr{?:G:D>{:G@D}?:G:C {:H@B}?:H :A Much better than Java, right?? Here's ...